I have tried Coaching With Melanie on two occasions. The first time I did eight sessions because I was consumed with negativity (beyond what I realized) and I felt like a failure in every area of my life that mattered. At the time I also had an internship coming up and I felt completely unprepared for it. The sessions really helped me clear through a lot of mind clutter and develop a true – yet positive – narrative for my life. This helped me embrace the challenges I faced – instead of viewing them as punishment from the universe – and helped me have a successful internship. In session eight Melanie read back to me some of my responses from our first meeting and I honestly didn’t even recognize that person!
About two years later, I tried Coaching With Melanie again. This time I felt stuck – like I could and should be doing so much more but was just unable to sort through all the ideas, limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears in my head. This time around – as a birthday present to myself – I committed to a six-month coaching period with weekly meetings. For me this meant not investing in a cake or anything else for the special day. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
Melanie listened, advised, offered suggestions, encouraged, and was very supportive throughout this period. She was also punctual, prepared, and wasted no time during the sessions. I felt like I had a coach, nutritionist, accountability partner, therapist, and an adviser all in one package. After six months, I had defined a realistic and exciting vision for my life, completed an action plan, and was equipped with useful tools and resources. Today, these help me stay on track with my goals and be accountable to myself.
Working with a life coach is not cheap and it requires you to work hard to constantly improve yourself. In my experience though, it is very valuable and has a very high return on investment. I recommend Coaching With Melanie for anyone who feels that they could be doing/contributing/earning more in this life. You most certainly could be – and Melanie can help!
Feeling increasingly drawn toward writing as a vocation and wanting to be strategic about it, I decided to seek out Melanie for vision and strategy coaching. Aside from my spiritual pursuits, it’s been the best investment I’ve made in myself in the past ten years.
I’m a bit hesitant to write this paragraph because I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging on myself. However, there’s no other way to say it but that I became a much better version of myself all around. I used to be that person who aspired to write everyday—Monday to Friday. Aspire I did. Write? Not so much. At my most productive, I usually wrote during weekends only, or waited for long school breaks to crank out a story or two. However, with Melanie’s astute goal-setting strategies and visioneering exercises, before you knew it, I was writing six days a week despite the many other demands on my time. Having a clear vision makes all the difference. So, yes, I am bragging but mostly on Melanie’s excellent coaching skills.
I also greatly appreciated her interest in my overall development and the helpful videos and books she not only recommended but willingly lent. Additionally, I found Melanie to be warm, attentive, and an excellent listener. Although our sessions were via Zoom, I felt heard. Understood.
Thank you, Melanie!
Like many, I had reached a point where I was not moving at the correct pace nor taking the right steps that will lead me to my calling and truly make a positive difference in the life of those around me. That is when I decided to seek the professional advice of Ms. Melanie – the best decision and most valuable investment in my personal life and professional career so far.
Ms. Melanie is a highly effective listener that will help you to question where you are, where you are going, and to produce answers or a plan on how to get there. Her sessions provide clarity of vision, goals, and core values essential for success in life, business, and as a true professional. I was not aware of how much some of my own values and beliefs (good values and beliefs at that) were holding me back. I was likewise not conscious of certain values that played in the back of my head and affected my every major decision. Coaching with Melanie has helped me to move my game to the next level and challenged me to continue improving on my best self.
I highly recommend Coaching with Melanie.
Recently I started working with an amazing, productive, and professional Vision and Strategy Coach – Melanie Escalante. She has guided me to develop my business vision and strategy, and by completing this, my plans are to upgrade my performance, expand my resources, and ….become a valuable and successful entrepreneur.
As I went through the sessions it has definitely made me really think about my business and my life. What do I want? Where am I going? How will I get there? Why? When? It has made me appreciate myself, and my talent so much more. Although I have always been a planner and a to-do list-er, working with Melanie, made me able to complete my vision, purpose, strategies, and goals. I now have a structure with a purpose and a definitive plan. I can refer to these documents as I continue to live to my fullest potential.
Get coached to work on your business!
In 2019, we engaged Melanie to facilitate our team approach to developing our company Vision, Mission, and Core Values. This something we had made several attempts to work on previously but we kept getting drawn to working in the business vs. on it.
Through sometimes deep and probing questions and intentional listening, Melanie quickly understood our culture and warmly engaged the team in effective brainstorming sessions. She was astute in noting and highlighting just the right words we were using in conversation to express who we are, where we want to go, why, and how we will get there. We were thrilled with the outcome, after 5 days working together we succeeded with developing a short to mid-term strategic plan.
While we have lived and worked our core values from inception, this tool has made a significant difference in our management communication having transitioned many years ago from a small family run business to a major competitive hardware business with 65 employees and 2 locations Belize. Little did we know then how much we would rely on our vision in 2020 during the COVID pandemic, having our vision and purpose articulated in this manner and embraced by our team has kept us focused, aligned and intentional about sustaining and growing our business so that we can continue uplifting and transforming lives through productivity and service for many, many years to come.
In addition to effectively facilitating the planning process, Melanie was extremely supportive with ideas and suggestions for a phased approach to communicating and rolling out the plan throughout the company. Melanie was also helpful with contributing to our capacity building objective as we formalized company org. structure, job descriptions, and employee guidelines.
Not only for her skills and personable, efficient, and effective approach but also for her reasonable/competitive rates, I highly recommend Melanie for any similar visioneering exercise.
I believe we all have dreams, visions & passions locked up within us that’s yearning to be released and expressed freely to the world. We often see where we want to go but unclear on the right path to get there. That’s where I was at. In 2018, I knew something needed to shift in my life and I needed help in making that shift. I had access to great teachings, conferences, counselors; I attended several training sessions over the years. In truth, I was coming back from one such training. However, I needed help in breaking all that information down in the smart goals and life applications. I needed help to articulate my vision and let everything drive me towards the vision.
That’s where Melanie came in. She worked with me in drilling down to the core of who I was, to find the dreams and vision God has placed in my heart. She took the time to see & believe in it; while helping me to believe that I can achieve it. She championed me forward towards the vision. And didn’t allow the old thinking process & habit to get in our way but rather challenged me towards higher-level thinking that would move me forward.
If you are ready for transformation in your life, then you need Coaching with Melanie
I remember who I was for years; the patterns, the thoughts and the narratives I used to tell myself. I remember being controlled by fear, doubts and anxiety.
I remember the evening I called my Pastor crying and feeling completely “sick and tired of being sick and tired”.
I remember the narratives I told myself when my Pastor suggested Melanie as someone I could speak to. Today, I look back and I am extremely happy that I decided to contact Melanie, in spite of the many reasons my mind had concocted about why I shouldn’t have. It was one of the most important decisions I have ever made, and my generations to come will continue to feel the impact of this decision that I made to receive coaching from Melanie.
The Journey was nothing short of amazing. One of the greatest part of this journey was coming to the full understanding that everything I need to succeed is already built within me. Coaching has indisputably given my life direction, and I was able to tap into and reveal more of myself in the most authentic way.
These session caused me to sit with myself face to face, heart to heart, and what occurred was like an excavation of habits, patterns, perceptions, conditioning and fallacious narratives. In this process, I came to the stark realization that my perceptions are strong enough to keep me in the prison of my life unnecessarily, and thank God I was able to escape that prison.
I wish I can write it all, and explain to you in full details my journey of coaching with Melanie, but it is an experience that you must have for your self.
Some people still believe that having a coach is “ fancy” , but all I have to say to that is if you still believe that coaching is some fancy thing for rich people, then you are playing with your potential, you are playing with your life.
The Beauty of this entire experience is that you are simply being guided and supported to unlock all the potential that is already inside if you. I have learnt to own my life. I have been recharged and I have been enhanced. Today, I am doing all the things I could have only imagined myself doing. Melanie has the innate ability to meet you where you are without judgement. She operates out of authenticity, and it has always been clear to me that she has no personal agenda.
Melanie explicitly demonstrates a high level of knowledge, experience and most importantly passion for what she does. This new perspective and attitude about life that she has helped me to hone has taken my life to an entirely new level. I am more confident, more at peace, more courageous and more willing to step into new challenges and opportunities.
The best way I can describe my entire experience is to simply say , Thank you so much melanie for disrupting my “comfortable and arranged” life. Thank you for artfully stretching me. Thank you for sincerely caring about me, and my goals. The fact that I know you genuinely care about my me and my goals have sincerely built my assurance and hammered in my mind the fact that I matter and what I have to offer this world matters.
Thank you Melanie!
“Melanie is just a brilliant coach and I am so grateful for the fact that I got an opportunity to be her client. She is really kind, patient and she brings a very warm presence to her sessions. She always gave me a very protected, confidential yet very open space where I felt very comfortable in opening up to my issues and identifying them. She is immensely supportive and does impeccable follow-up even after a session is over. I always felt her to be sincerely concerned about me and that encouraged me a lot to work with her. She helped me to identify a lot of my beliefs which has allowed me to make some major breakthroughs in the places where I felt stuck. She also always helped me to put my thoughts into action instead of finding ways to delay it. This was especially helpful for a major procrastinator like me. I really recommend Melanie to anybody who’s looking for some positive executive or leadership coaching. She is a wonderful coach. Thank you so much Melanie for all your help and support!
I worked with Melanie as my coach for five sessions and I truly enjoyed my time with her. Her assertive questions, sincere empathy and powerful observations helped me move forward in my personal journey. She is a great coach
“Melanie was incredible in helping me discover the underlying causes behind the issues I brought to our sessions, and with creating a comfortable and supportive atmosphere to address them in. I felt like I could be completely open and myself when talking with her. I cannot thank her enough for her never-ending encouragement and attentiveness which allowed me to come to terms with where I am and where I want to go. I am much more confident in who I am now. Thank you so much, Melanie!”
I was facing a huge life transition when I engaged Melanie. What I thought would be my main focus evolved into a number of surrounding issues to which I was holding on tightly. Melanie helped facilitate a deepened understanding of how seemingly unrelated issues were playing into my life’s transition. She patiently and empathetically supported me, challenged me to look at my self and goals honestly, followed up on action items, and created an incredible space of trust and non-judgment in which I could confide and experiment with new tools for action. She is a gifted coach and I would recommend her to others in a heartbeat!
Melanie is an excellent performance coach who I would highly recommend to anyone looking to take your goals to the next level! I originally reached out to Melanie for ideas to grow my start-up but came away with so much more. Melanie helped me identify the limiting beliefs that were affecting my growth and supported me through the discovery process with powerful new insights. I can’t thank her enough for helping me to pursue my dreams in a bold new way! Thank you Melanie!”
Before I met Melanie as my Life Coach, I had no direction on the hows and whats of leaving 25 years of invested career to sustain love and establish a new career path in a foreign country. Stepping outside my comfort zone was far-fetched as it meant a necessary life changing decision.
Fear of making a huge mistake, and anxiety of remaining stagnant and uninspired, obstructed any perspective on leading a fulfilling life.
Now, with confidence, I have a clear, achievable approach to completing my career and lifestyle change. My Sessions with Coach Melanie steered me in the direction of a vision with purpose leading to result-oriented goals and an action plan. She allowed me to discover my resourcefulness when I thought I had none. This has paved the way to illuminating vigor and excitement for my next chapter.
Thank you Coach Melanie for the fruitful effective sessions. I’m so inspired to walk in your footsteps as a Life Coach! “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.